The final trimester for me aux Cèdres has begun. It's off to a good start so far, all two days of it. I will be here until the end of June and then back to Arkansas to work on visas and details like that.
Thank you to all of you who were praying for my travels, etc. over my spring break. All went well and I had safe travels. I did end up really tired at the end, however. I just can't seem to get any real strength back. I am doing my best to take care of my physical needs while strengthening my spirit hoping it will pull my body along with it. I would really appreciate continued prayer in this area.
This weekend, May 1-3, I will be in Lyon at the France en Feu (France on Fire) conference. It is a gathering for worship and prayer for France. Pray with us this weekend that God will have His way in France. It would be great to have believers around the world in agreement with us!
This season in my life is a true mixture of trial and hope. I've never experienced this exact mix of being broken and being confident that God will have His way despite my weakness. I don't know what else to say except to ask your continued prayers for God's grace and rest in my life.
I had a couple friends say they would like to see more of photos of daily life. So I'm going to add a few photos from Massy to this blog.
top left: sunset over one of the major roadways We have to cross this bridge to get to the park where I like to walk/run.
bottom left: a photo of the sunset from that same park
top right: dans la salle de la téle (in the tv room) Each Tuesday night we like to watch Nouvelle Star, the French version of American Idol. Let's just say this show proves that music needs to remain part of the education system in the States. The French don't have music in their public schools and it shows. Watching has helped my language listening comprehension though. :)