T minus 2 weeks and counting....
I can't believe it's almost time to get to the skies again. It is transition time but I am glad to say that I am more at peace during this transition than I have been in the past. That is testimony to the goodness and faithfulness of God.
It has been a wonderful summer. There have been weddings and births and lots of time with great people.
Last Friday night we had a gathering for me to share about what is going on with me. I was so blessed by the people who came. It is so encouraging to see people come together because they want to hear what's happening with you and be a part of it. The theme for the night seemed to be "we got your back." This is definitely a team effort and I'm on a great team. We're gonna win.
I am pleased to report that much of the money needed to get me back to Europe has been given. Now I just need the $1650 to pay for the rest of my TESOL course. Thanks everyone. And isn't this testimony to the faithfulness of God!
We have a newborn in our home now. Liviyah Grace Knox came to us this past weekend. And will wonders never cease, I am actually enjoying living with a baby! Those of you who know me well know this is a miracle. I am so grateful for how God puts us in family.
Kids went back to school yesterday. It was really odd to be here and not to return with them. But I know my day is quickly coming. And this time my school will be in English! I have a little better grasp on that language so maybe it won't be quite as challenging as French language school was.
As you can probably tell, things are going well with me. God has filled me with His peace. Now I can feel my spirit stirring at the thought of another adventure. There is nothing like life in Jesus. To quote Steven Curtis Chapman, "This is life like no other. This is the great adventure."
**Pictured above are my dear friends and housemates: Liviyah Grace Knox, Danny Knox, and Emily Knox.