How did we get to the middle of May!? The weather here would suggest it is still March or early April. However, it is green and beautiful and I am thankful to live in such a beautiful place.
I have sent out a letter with updated visa news. I will leave it to the letter to explain.
I spent several days in England resting and enjoying my friends. I am thankful for the time I get to spend in England as it is one of my 'homes.'
It is the end of the school year and we all know what that means, it's gonna be busy from here on out. I am thankful to have had a quiet week with this last week having a few days of school holiday. I will be continuing with my music groups and looking at finishing one year and looking ahead to the next. Please pray God make His plans for next year clear.
It has been a challenging week for me. God is systematically putting His finger on things in my heart and saying, "OK, now let's work on this." This is not a comfortable process but I know that there will be fruit. I am thankful to be well supported by people who love me and pray for me. Some of it has just been a part of the natural process of having a new home and missing out on a lot of life that is happening in Arkansas with my family and friends. God is faithful to strengthen and encourage me.
This is just a short addition to go with the last blog in April. Thanks to those of you who continue to read and support me. I would love to hear from you if you get a chance to drop a quick note here, by email or on facebook.
Amazing love, oh, what sacrifice, the Son of God given for me...
**The pic was taken by my friend Katie when she came to visit. This gives you just a little taste of spring in Alsace.