Well, I miss-named the last blog with the incorrect date and I noticed that the date is given above the title anyway, so how about real titles? A new season...It really is a new season in my life. God has just done some major healing and adjustments in my heart and soul. I am so thankful the process is over but I'm even more thankful for the fruit of peace and righteousness. God is so good to us that He doesn't leave us at I'm ok or even I'm good but He wants to bring us to a place of more freedom and life. Thank you, God, for your faithfulness!
The heat is back on in the chateau!! Thanks to all of you who prayed. It's been back on on my floor for about 2 weeks now. They started at the bottom and worked their way up.
I have no news on my 'carte de Sejour' since the last blog. It is in process and I am still waiting on a letter so I can make a doctor's appointment to move on to the next step. Please continue to pray that the process doesn't get bogged down or blocked. I'm not worried. Apparently, these things always take time but it would be nice to have a word to know that things are moving and all is well. Please also continue to pray for provision to pay the $300-$400 doctor's fee.
We had a prophetic youth conference the first weekend in November at Joshua Church for ages 9-15 called Deploie tes ailes (spread your wings). The first DTA was in April 2010 and was powerful and exciting. This DTA was also powerful but with a much different flavor. It was a quieter, deeper time with God. I think many of the young people were able to make a real connection with God and several dedicated there lives to Jesus for the first time or rededicated their lives. It is such an honor to be a part of what God is doing to raise up a generation for His Kingdom and because of His love.
There are some new Americans in town, Rusty and Janet Richards. The Americanization of Guebwiller has begun! Even my French friend, Nadine, is becoming more and more American! I'm finding it more difficult to find people to speak French with. OK, so I'm kidding, mostly... It is true, however, that the link with the States is being strengthened. Rusty and Janet bring a real maturity and new dimension in the spirit with them. They have a call not just to France but to Europe. I'm looking forward to knowing them better and watching what God is up to.
Just a little personal note: I've taken up the guitar. Who'd have ever thought!? Not me. Anyway, it's been fun and I've even got the callouses to prove I've been practicing. I wanted a way to have personal worship time in my room without having to hunt down a keyboard, etc, and it's difficult to sing and play the trumpet at the same time as you can imagine. It really has been a helpful way to worship whenever I want and it's just fun to learn something new.
My music groups and English lessons at the school are going well. I have added two more hours of English tutoring to my schedule and I will add one more music group. It is always rewarding as a teacher to be able to help students 'get it.'
It has been a season to be around home and sow here and now the next several weeks will be a time to go out and invest. In early 2010 God dropped it into my spirit one day out of the blue that when an opportunity to go to Greece presented itself to take it. Well, an opportunity has presented itself and I'm gonna take it. The opportunity is coming through the connection that the Richards have in Europe. They were invited with Emilie Pierre-Elien to go for a conference in Greece and now that team also includes Nadine and me. That will be the first weekend in December. Needless to say, I'm a little excited. What could be waiting that God would give me a heads-up several months in advance?
In a couple days I will be headed to Toulouse to visit one of my friends from language school, Katie. I am looking forward to time with her as always and it looks like I will have opportunity to meet and spend time with some of her friends that are hungry for more of the things of the Spirit. Then I will spend several days in Nîme, Nadine's hometown. Nadine has already arranged one meeting with a group of intercessors and she expects God has plans for more. I am so excited to get into France and see more of the country and what God is doing in other places. I feel this week is about relationship and sharing 'the normal Christian life' of an open Heaven with others. Not to mention that it will be warmer in the south...
Then I am hoping to get away to see my dear Korean friend, Deborah, in Paris for a few days. Again in sharing life I hope to be an encouragement to Deborah who is a young Asian woman tackling a western culture and going to university in French and English. She is reaching out to the Parisians who are not known to be warm and welcoming. I admire her courage and persistence. Please pray for God to open doors and hearts to Deborah. And please pray that God strengthens her daily and the other missionaries who pour out daily in spiritually difficult Paris. They need all the air support they can get.
And then it will be time to head to Arkansas for Christmas!! I'm already excited about seeing family and friends and welcoming French AND Swiss friends over the holidays!! That's right, folks, Russellville will be welcoming several Europeans for the holidays!!!!!! I'm so excited for the connections God is making!!
OK, let's rap this up with the prayer requests. Thanks as always for reading and praying. May the riches of Our Heavenly Father pour out in every area of your lives!!
The requests:
~Provision for: -the docotor's appointment and carte de sejour -travel expenses over the next month
~continued good health in the busy weeks to come
~That God's will be done through relationships and times of sharing, praying, and "ministry"
~God is on the move in France. Please continue to pray into the spiritual atmosphere that it will open more and more and that society and culture will be transformed by the love, presence and power of God!!!
Really I want to end with PRAISE. God has healed and transformed me, given me a home and a family in a strange land and has sent me from a home that is a firm foundation. He's given me a life full of adventure and Kingdom life. I am truly one of the most blessed people on earth because of Him.
**Just a few members of my French family.
Left: Maman Huguette and me. Please continue to pray for her complete healing!!
Right: The sisters Pierre-Elien, my little sisters, L to R Elisabeth and Emilie