Wow, how am I going to sum up the summer I've had!? It's been an amazing ride. So if you are committed to reading this blog (maybe more than I am to writing it regularly, hehe) settle in for a longish but great story of the wonders and love of God.
The summer started with a trip home with Olivia Leigh. We had a good time together even though we were delayed out of Frankfort and missed her connecting flight leaving us to catch flights the next day. We both made it to our destinations in good shape and with all of our stuff even though it was a day later.
A few days after my arrival in Arkansas my French friends Nadine Adriano and Emilie Pierre-Elien came for 16 days. We had such a good time together. They are crazy. That's all I can say. But of course it's the good kind of crazy. Let's just say there was never a dull moment. I did my best to share my southern culture with them: fried chicken, biscuits and gravy, fried catfish, canoeing, shooting (yes, I do mean guns), listening to the cicadas singing, and of course wonderful people and southern hospitality. They liked it so much they considered coming back for a bit after their trip to California and before returning to France but they decided another time would be better.
While Nadine and Emilie were with me we had the opportunity to pray and minister to a few groups of people. This is were this gets really interesting because I'm going to talk about how God touched peoples' lives. The three of us experienced a new dimension of God's presence and power as we prayed for people. We were amazed at the impact of the prophetic in the lives of some young people we prayed with. Nadine had a word of knowledge for a man in a blue shirt before we got to the group. When we prayed for this man he ended up on the floor soaking up the love of God and Emilie spoke 'man of peace' over him. I later learned that he dealt with anger. Shortly after that evening someone he was helping stole his car and wrecked it and he was able to deal with the man in love and forgiveness. His friends were amazed at his reaction because they expected him to be angry and take it out on the man. God transforms, sometimes slowly, sometimes in one encounter. Amazing.
We took a little trip to Searcy to meet with the folks at the Exchange. Wow. These people are hungry for God and He is answering that hunger! Again, Nadine had words of knowledge for healing and all three of the people were there. One man had pain in his forearm. As we prayed for him I noticed his eyes become wide. He looked a little freaked out honestly. When Nadine stopped praying I asked him if something was happening and he said it felt like electricity was going through his arm! His arm was different after that. Two weeks later another man visiting from Bethel Church in Redding prayed for him and God completed the healing! His arm is completely restored and without pain!! Yes, God! That evening we had the privilege to pray for most of the people that had come and God gave us very clear prophetic words. It was a new level for us and yet completely normal.
Thanks again to all of you who were able to make the informational meeting at FOC. It was much more than just info though. Emilie lead worship and Emily Knox sang with her. They really ushered in the presence of God. I shared and then Nadine and Emilie shared. I think this helped everyone to get a clearer picture of my role here. I was encouraged by what they had to say. I didn't realize how they view me. Thanks, ladies. That night we prayed for people as well. And yet again Nadine had a word of knowledge about someone in a red shirt that had digestive problems. She was there and we prayed for her. The lady told me several weeks later that before she had had to eat medicine like candy for her stomach problems but she hadn't taken any since we prayed for her and she hasn't had any more problems!!!! Yes, God!!
Then there are the stories of provision. Many of you have read about this in my emails but I'm going to give a summary of what God has provided for me.
Let's start with the trip to Houston. All total the trip, visa, hotel, plane, everything cost about $700. People gave generously, down to the morning that I left when I was handed the last $100 that I needed. The trip was all payed for when I got on the plane.
Then there was the $1200 insurance bill that was due. I was handed a check for $1100 just in time to make the payment without penalty.
Then there was the plane ticket...this still gets me... I was talking with friends a couple weeks before my desired date to leave and mentioned that I still didn't have my ticket. One of the people there said he could take care of that... and all of my plane tickets to and from France from now on!!! His company makes a habit of helping missionaries. He also told me they would support me financially!! I was in shock. In one moment I was assured that whenever I needed to return to see friends and family it would be provided for. wow.
My new insurance covers yearly check-ups for women. That's great. Except I have to wait a year to use it. When my doctor, who is a Christian, asked about my insurance I explained the situation. He didn't charge me!! When I thanked him he said, "you can't out give God."
Then there is the visa. THE VISA. You've all heard so much about it and know it has been A LONG, LONG process. Well, when I had my interview for the visa the lady told me it would be about 2 weeks to process. That was no problem because I was hoping to leave in 3 almost 4 weeks. She did tell me at the interview that she didn't think I was asking for the right visa and I didn't have what I needed. I told her I did the best I could with what I read online, etc. Two weeks passed, no visa. I waited 3 weeks and called her. She had not touched my visa and she told me again she didn't think what I had would work but she would take it to her boss and call me the next day. That was a long 24 hours, folks. God gave me a dream that night of the lady handing me the visa with a smile and I was really happy. When I tried to imagine what I would do if I didn't get to come back to France I couldn't see anything, and I have a good imagination. But let's be honest, I was worried. Not knowing is hard. I got tired of waiting and decided to try and call the boss and plead my case. While the automated directory was playing on the phone an important call interrupted and I took it. After talking with my friend I asked God if I should try the embassy again and he told me to keep my hands off. At that point I had peace. A few hours later I got the call from the lady saying she was finishing my visa. "Does that mean I HAVE a visa," I asked. She told me she would finish it up and put it in the mail that afternoon so I would get it Saturday. When I finished the call I put the phone down and ran out into the yard where Carl was working yelling at the top of my lungs and waving my arms like a mad-woman, "CARLLLLLLL, I HAVE A VISAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" What a wonderful moment of relief and joy!! I could return to France where I knew God wanted me and this time I have the right to stay and work. Thank you, Jesus. Where I had been told 'no', God said 'yes.' Robb had told me before I went to Houston that, "It doesn't matter what man says, it only matter what God says." Wise words that carried me through.
I checked the mail Saturday. No visa, but I knew it was coming. Monday my dad found it by the door. So the day before I flew out I had the visa in my hands. The day before... Why does God like to wait to the last minute? Anyone else see this pattern in your lives? lol I guess He has His reasons.
A HUGE thank you to all of you who have prayed and prayed and prayed about this visa. You see the miracle your prayers encouraged!?
Now I am back in France. I was able to keep my scheduled flight. I am back in time for the beginning of school which is Monday. It is so good to be here. I was met by big hugs and loving people happy to see me. It is good to be home. It is good to have two homes. Although, it is always a little disorienting to change places this has been the easiest transition so far.
Prayer requests:
**I need to organize my music groups and my schedule for this school year. I always need God's grace for organization.
Please pray that God makes it clear what to take on and when and where.
**Yes, I have my visa but there is one more step. I have to have a 'carte de séjour' from the prefecture in France in order to have the right to work and for the visa (which is actually the carte de séjour) to last for 3 years. This should be a much easier process since the biggest hurdle has been passed. However, without the ok of the prefecture the visa will be null and void. This will be done in the next 2 months. I will start the process next week. PLEASE PRAY!
I will do better at writing my blog. Thanks for your support and prayers!!
And thus ends my summary of the SUMMER OF MIRACLES...
but this is just the beginning, we will see more