Monday, October 17, 2011
Hope and Hopes
First of all thanks to all of you who prayed for my health after receiving the last newsletter and blog! I was feeling better by the evening and never really got sick. "The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." James 5:16
I was so encouraged by the message shared at chapel this morning and by the prayers of the students that I was inspired to write my blog. That's sayin' something! God has been speaking to me through Ephesians 1 and 2 for several weeks. You know how something you've read suddenly comes to life and starts to transform you? That kind of God speaking through His word... Well, this morning Christine Barasino, one of the teachers at Collège Daniel, taught on Eph 1:15-19. It takes the Spirit of revelation for us to know God. We can't do it on our own. But Paul doesn't stop there in his prayer. He asks that we will have our hearts enlightened to understand the RICH inheritance that is available to us NOW, that we not just know God but know Him BETTER, that we experience the same power that created the heavens and the earth and the power that raised Christ from the dead living IN us. We are so covered up and blinded by all the negative that we hear and feel to really understand. We are prone to believe the lies and the negative before the truth. That's why we need the Spirit of Revelation to come and give us the power to see and believe what is our inheritance and our destiny. I pray this prayer with Paul for all of you and for me. I need more revelation to know Him better! Yes, God, I want to know you better!
Second thing I was reminded of through the prayers of the students was how beautiful their hearts are. The father of 3 former students and uncle of one of the students died suddenly from a heart attack last Friday at the age of 42. Many of the prayers were for the family who is grieving. When you get into the daily and are dealing with the human, imperfect part of people it's easy to forget the beauty that is within. The truth is we are all precious and full of God's goodness and beauty. God deals lovingly with us even when we've messed up. God give me eyes to see what you see even when it's time to correct a student's behavior. Thank you for always being kind and gentle with me when you correct me. Thank you that our value doesn't change even when we screw up.
Do you remember from the last blog that I talked about Nadine speaking at an Aglow meeting and that many received healing after? Well, she has been invited to speak at the regional meeting this Saturday the 22nd! They also asked if they could broadcast her teaching on the radio! God's favor is on her and she has some key teachings for France. She has invited me and 2 other ladies to work in team with her this Saturday. Nadine always like to go in team. Please pray for her and for us that God would prepare us for what He wants to do and what He wants to say. Please also pray for health and protection for our team this week leading up to this meeting.
Most of you know that I am a trumpet player as well as a music teacher. My trumpet's valves have been sticking since last spring and progressively getting worse. I finally took it to a repair shop last week and was told that the valves were basically disintegrating and that they could do something but with a little time I would be in the same predicament. My horn is not a well known brand but the man said it's funny because this looks exactly like what happens to a Getzen when it is about 15-20 years old. I'm pretty sure my trumpet was made by Getzen even though it's called a Canadian Brass and it is around 19 years old. Conclusion, I need a new trumpet. Surprisingly, this news did not stress me. I feel like God's been telling me for a month or so that it's a new season. This seems to be in line with that. Finding a new trumpet is a process. It's like buying a car. Musicians are particular about their instruments and it's a big investment. This afternoon I start trying new trumpets to see what is a good fit for me. After finding the one I like there is the little thing called the expense. It will probably be around $2000 for the level of instrument I need. So, it's a new season and God's giving me peace about a new trumpet and I trust He will provide. I'm letting you all know the need. Please pray I can easily find the right trumpet for me and that God sends the provision for it.
There has been a lot of sickness in the church and people needing operations. Now one of our ladies has lost her son to a sudden heart attack. (the same man mentioned above) People are having nightmares. There are many things that suggest that witchcraft is very active right now in this area. That's not too surprising considering Halloween is approaching. We have a team of 20 people who are going to Israel for two weeks leaving this Sunday the 23rd. They are going to bless Israel and pray in the land. I am telling you all of this to ask for prayer for the church, the body of Christ at Joshua Church. Please pray into the needs and for the protection of Father God.
Please pray for the school, Collège Daniel. My hope for Christian education in France and for the future of France was elevated this morning while I listened to the fruit pouring from the mouths of the students as they prayed. It is making a difference but there remains a great challenge for all Christian schools in France. Some of our students recently went to a conference in Budapest for Christian schools in Europe. They were the FIRST French students to ever attend that conference...the first ever from France... Christian education in Europe has its challenges but it is very difficult in France.
Thanks to all of you who read this blog, follow my life, support me in many ways and most of all to those who pray. I hope that you can take some encouragement and some hope away from what you've just read.
This whole blog is a prayer request but here they are again in summary:
~Please pray for the Albiser family who have lost a son, a husband, a father, a brother, and uncle tragically at a young age.
~Please pray for protection and health for the body of Christ at Eglise Josué. Specifically, please also pray for the team that is going to Israel next week.
~Please pray for Collège Daniel, its students and Christian education in France.
~Please pray that God will speak through Nadine and her team and that He release what's in His heart for the people at the regional Aglow meeting in Troyes this Saturday the 22nd. Please pray health and protection for this team too and for God connections to be made for the future.
~Please pray that God shows me the right trumpet for me and for the provision for that new trumpet for a new season.
Pic at the top:
**New wine anyone?? I have been running again and the vineyard during autumn are the best place I've ever had to run. It's so beautiful. Thanks, God.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Summer 2011
So how does one catch people up on 3 months...highlights. So sorry to all the really good and faithful bloggers out there for not keeping up like I should. Or let's just say I want to make good bloggers look even better. ;)
I don't know if any of you recall the last blog where I talked about the March for Jesus but I will tell a little anyway. It was great. There was a big crowd and participating in 2 nations was great! They had several trucks with worship groups, some French and some German, leading the crowd in song as we walked. I think it was a significant day for unity in the body of Christ and across national borders.
In June I went with Nadine Adriano and some of the healing room team to an Aglow meeting where Nadine taught on healing. She gave a really clear and encouraging teaching and at the end many people responded. In teams of 2 and 3 we prayed for healing for the people there and I think we had feedback of between 20 and 25 people healed that day!! God is a God who loves to show His love through healing.
July and August...where do I start!? These two months were spent in Arkansas and were packed. Thanks to everyone who hosted me and our French and American friends by having us in your homes or feeding us or letting us shoot or ride horses or photo shoots or just spending time with us! As always a big thanks to Carl and Becky Hudson for housing a non-stop invasion of people in their home! God's blessing, peace and provision for you all!
A highlight for me this summer was getting know Carla McDonough and her horses. She treated me and several of my friends, French and Arkansan, to horseback riding. It really is a ministry and a calling for her and David. She is a great lady and a lot of fun. Being a horse lover I was treated to some good horse therapy and some of my friends were reconciled with horses after having some bad experiences in the past. Thanks for everything, Carla!
I mentioned Aurélie's visit in my last blog. My visit overlapped the end of her stay so we got to enjoy a few days together. Then a couple weeks later four more young French women arrived, Elisabeth, Claire, Séphora and Stella. Many of you got to hear them sing and lead worship. We were blessed to be asked by two churches to sing a song that was written by a man in our church, Cedric Fau, during their Sunday morning services. It was great to see the anointing of this French song being released in the US.
Then we had Rusty and Janet Richards that came with Nadine and Nathanaël for a week. During that time Janet and Nadine taught a Sozo seminar. The feedback was very positive and I think a lot of people have gained some good tools for living.
In between all the visits and touring I got to see my family and friends. I am so thankful for the precious relationships that God has given me and for the chance to get to see people so often. I know a lot of missionaries don't get to go 'home' and see their families as much as I do. I am blessed.
Now September back in France... I didn't tell you that in June just before I went to Arkansas I got a job 'band directing' in the public music school in Guebwiller, the town where I live! This is a huge gift and blessing from God. I started last week. I just have 3 classes, one theory class and 2 orchestras (wind bands), but it is a beginning. The first classes went really well and just reminded me that I love band directing. One little boy was asked by his grandmother after the theory class how it was and he told her it was great. And that was the theory class! God is good.
I will still be volunteering at Collège Daniel, the private Christian school, doing a couple music groups and a little English. I will also continue with my two youth worship bands at the church, Eglise Josué.
Well, that is a big overview of a busy few months but you now have the essentials. Thanks for continuing to read this blog and support me. I am looking forward to a new school year and all that God wants to do in and through me and His body. I will leave you with a few prayer requests and a wish for a blessed new season for you.
Prayer requests:
~good health; It's a new school year and it has started at the Collège with a respiratory virus that is going around and yes I am fighting it.
~provision; My new job will bring in some euros but not many. Please pray for continued faithful giving.
~the church; Many good things are happening at Eglise Josué with that there are challenges. Please pray God's protection, direction and provision for the vision He has given the church and it's leaders.
Photos at the top:
**Did I mention that I turned 40? =)
**Danville meets France! Precious people who look out for me.
l to r Jasmine, Johnna, me, Nadine, Bill and Darlene
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
I have discovered that people I've never met are reading my blog! And God is using it to connect people and bring encouragement. God does work in mysterious ways...but His ways are oh so amazing.
DTA was a real success. It was the best of the 3 that we have had in my opinion. One of the highlights for me was the Treasure Hunt we did with the youth. Our team found 13 'treasures' from the clues that God gave us and we were able to pray with 10 of the 13!! Just amazing for 2 hours on a Saturday afternoon in Guebwiller. (A Treasure Hunt is when we pray and ask God to give us clues such as appearance and needs then you go out and look for those people.) I am sure there were people healed. The only thing is we didn't have any info to give to people so they could find us later if they had questions.
Just a reminder please be praying about this Saturday's march for Jesus in Strasbourg! It's really a historic moment. Here's the info from my last blog:
There will be a March for Jesus that starts in Strasbourg, France and ends in Germany on May 21st. Prayer walks are already good things but the fact that this will connect France and Germany is huge! There have already been administrative miracles for the governments of both cities to agree to this march. Also, Strasbourg is the capital of the European Union. Please be praying with us as this day approaches that God's purposes with be accomplished and released as we walk and pray together for France, Germany and Europe!
We had a big party to celebrate my 'carte de sejour.' It was a great time and I was really honored by all of the people who came. I had David Leigh pop the first bottle of champagne because the Leigh family really opened the way for us Americans. Then David said to me while pointing out all the people who were there, "Did you imagine this a few years ago when you started the process to be here? Look at the fruit." Yes, I did tear up. God is so good.
I'm really proud of both of my youth worship groups, The Beans and JTDR. They have both made great progress in the last couple years both musically and in releasing the presence of God in worship. What an honor to work with such amazing young people! I am always thanking God for letting me work with my passions, youth and music!
Speaking of youth, one of the young women from the older group, the Beans, is currently in Russellville. Aurélie is staying with Carl and Becky and improving her English as well as helping out with a little Spanish translation and other bits and bobs. If you go to FOC you will probably see her. Feel free to say hi and show her good ole southern hospitality.
May and June are really busy and full of good stuff. I was looking at my calendar and realizing that I don't have a single weekend free between now and the end of June. phew! Here we go! It's going to be fun but I would appreciate prayers for strength and stamina.
I'm sure you've seen the leader of the IMF in the news recently. It's really shaken the French people I think. Please pray that God's will in this situation will be done and that only His fruit will last from this situation.
OK, a quick recap of prayer requests and that will be it for this blog.
~March for Jesus in Strasbourg this Saturday, May 21.
~strength and stamina for the next 2 months
~that God will have His way in the French peoples' hearts and minds through the situation with Strauss-Kahn
**some pics from the celebration...
~the men and Patricia and me
~Genviève, Jeanine, me and Manuela
~the limbo, conga was a party after all ;)
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Good News
The good news is that I now have my real 'carte de sejour' (visa) that will last for 3 years!!! It is an ID card like the cards that French citizens have. This has been a long time coming. I can't express the joy and relief that came Friday afternoon when I picked it up at the Mairie (Mayor's office). Nadine said to me, "this is an important moment." We had been waiting so long it was kind of normal to be there again but it was good to remember what a miracle it is. AND I didn't have to pay the additional $500 that had been listed in an official letter!! WOO HOO!!
As I am writing this I am listening to Kool & the Gang sing "Celebration." I thought it was appropriate blog-writing music today. There has been and there will be celebrating! Now we are praying for Rusty and Janet Richards to find there way forward in the visa process!! Do it again, Lord, more visa miracles!!
The 2 weeks with Carl and Becky Hudson were fantastic!! We saw a lot of France but more importantly they made some really good contacts and relationships with French friends. Wherever we went we enjoyed the favor of God. We prayed for friends in Paris and saw God release more destiny for two Korean young women. It was amazing to feel the presence of God in an Indian restaurant as we were surrounded by Buddhas and other gods and prayed for these two women. We heard a couple days later that there was already fruit from the prayer time! That is just one example of what God did during their time here. I was so blessed to share my new home with them and to see God strengthen the connections between Arkansas and France!!
On April 22-24th we will once again have the youth conference DTA (Deploie tes Ailes, 'Spread Your Wings'). We will have older youth who will be a part of the leadership team helping us to work with the younger youth. The conference is for ages 9-15 and always has a great impact on the young people. Please pray health, protection and the release of life and destiny for the youth. We want to see more young people set free to be who they are in Christ!
There will be a March for Jesus that starts in Strasbourg, France and ends in Germany on May 21st. Prayer walks are already good things but the fact that this will connect France and Germany is huge! There have already been administrative miracles for the governments of both cities to agree to this march. Also, Strasbourg is the capital of the European Union. Please be praying with us as this day approaches that God's purposes with be accomplished and released as we walk and pray together for France, Germany and Europe!
This is not as long as some blogs but the content is worth celebrating!! God is good and faithful! I pray that you are celebrating the big and little gifts and events that God brings to you.
**Pics at the top:
The fabulous four at the Eiffel Tower: me,Carl, Becky and Nadine
Carl and Becky sharing their testimonies at Joshua Church (Eglise Josué)
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
I don't know...maybe we should call this blog 'procrastination' because I am finding everything to do before I prepare my teaching for THIS Friday for a worship conference. I'm really good at procrastinating...but I wouldn't call it a 'gift.' ;)
The thing I'm procrastinating preparing for is a gift. We are doing a youth worship conference this weekend with the 2 youth worship groups that I coach. We have a wonderful team of experienced worship team members and even better they are people who ARE worshipers 24/7. The youth that range in age from 14 to 18 are a gift. It is a joy and an honor to work with them, to be a part of their lives. We are looking to impart the benefit of our experience and more of God's heart of what worship is and who worshipers are as well as biblical foundation of worship.
I'm almost at the end of my visa journey. I went to the government appointed doctors visit a couple weeks ago. All checked out well and instead of being complicated and annoying it turned out to be a pleasant 2 days in Strasbourg with Géraldine and Nadine. Thanks, Father, for making this a fun experience. I wasn't expecting that!
The stamps to pay for the visa are purchased ($500 worth, yikes) and now I'm just waiting for the rest of the process to finish with the letter from the doctor going to the 'proper authorities' and then the final 'carte de sejour' to arrive. I take the stamps and I trade them for the carte. It won't be long now. It's been a couple years of inquiries and knocking on doors but it's almost done. Merci, Papa.
Still no hot water in my room or on my floor. It's been 2 months now. One gets creative. Thanks to my dear friends who have let me come and shower at will!! Another gift. And soon I will be saying thanks for hot water in MY room. Soon...
My dad had fairly good news from his doctor's visits at least no bad news. For this I am thankful, Jesus.
My relationships here in France are growing and really enriching my life. It really helps to make here my home. Thank you for Holy Spirit connections.
Carl and Becky Hudson are coming this Saturday to see me in France!!! They will be here for 2 weeks. I can't tell you how happy I am about this. They have been with me in this journey to France from the beginning when I wasn't even sure what God was calling me to do. And it will be SO good to have someone from home who is like family to come and see what my life is like in France. AND it will be fun to share new places, experiences and adventures with them. I know God will do another Spirit exchange between them and my French friends, each 'side' gaining something more of God. This is a HUGE gift in my life.
Thanks to all of you who support me and pray for me. I see the faithfulness of God through you, the body.
What are the gifts in your life? Is it people, places, things, the transformational power of God at work in your life? I would love to hear about the gifts in your life. Take a second and post a comment here.
And there I will stop and give a few prayer requests but I hope you remember the thankfulness as much as the requests!
Prayer requests:
~hot water! haha
~safe travel, health, God appointments and FUN for Carl and Becky on their trip!
~no hitches in the final process of the visa
~this weekend's youth worship conference. Please pray God has His way in and through all of us and that He release more of His Spirit in the youth (and the team).
*My soeur(sister), Nadine and me, can't have a blog about gifts without including her!
*L to R Olivia, Angela and David Leigh, an American missionary family, the gift of people to speak American with, eat popcorn and watch movies in English and more !!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
2011 Inaugural Blog
I'm not much for New Year's resolutions. I figure if I need a change in my life why wait for the beginning of a year to get started. I can't say that I seek God to tell me about the coming year either. I just try to stay plugged in to Him and I know He will let me know what I need to know. I may be missing some stuff just by not asking but that leaves the adventure of surprises. haha. So you won't find any deep insight from me on what I think the Lord is saying for 2011. I can, however, share what I sense and see is happening now.
Actually, the title of my last blog, 'A New Season,' sums it up for me. I think we have entered into a new season of what God is doing in the earth. It is a season of deep healing and deliverance. God is preparing His bride so that when the harvest is reaped we will be able to point them to the same healing and deliverance. It seems that things that once took a long time are now accomplished in a relatively short time. There is an acceleration. This season began in the autumn of 2010 in my opinion but my friend Nadine says she has noticed that since the beginning of the year there is an even greater acceleration in the Spirit and in the things of God. I know this: it is an exciting time to be alive and be a part of the history God is making.
Now on to the more newsy part of the blog. This Christmas was the best Christmas since my mom died in 1992. It was a great time on any scale. After a healing work God has done in me, I can say it's the first Christmas I've experienced without any sadness or sense of loss! It's a miracle! And it was better for my whole family. My sister said she was different this holiday season and her husband and family noticed. We sang and played guitars together and just really enjoyed being together. This is one of the best gifts ever for me and my family. I am so thankful for what God has done. I couldn't imagine it was possible to be healed and free at this level. God is good and faithful!
My three weeks in Arkansas were BUSY! It was a change from my other visits. It was the shortest return since I've been in France and I found trying to manage seeing people and getting personal business done in that time very challenging. I realized after returning to France that my expectations have to change and that my home base has truly changed. Russellville, AR will always be home in the sense that it's were I'm from and my roots but Guebwiller, France is now my home.
It was good to see many of you and to stay connected. We had the best turn out ever for the informational evening. We had the joy of praying for people for healing and that God release His call to the nations for many. Thanks so much for coming!!
That night we had a great team of Europeans and Americans. It's really more and more a representation of the Kingdom with many nations working together and it's no longer a one man/woman show. Working in team is the only way to go! That night we had 6 Swiss guests and 5 French. I was so blessed to have so many Europeans visiting us at FOC and it was obvious that God was making connections with many people in Russellville with the Europeans.
I just want to once again say a thanks to Rick and Terri George and Carl and Becky Hudson for opening up their homes and especially their LIVES to host the nations, the family of God.
Things are going well on the school and church level here. We are putting together a youth worship seminar for the 4th and 5th of March. I would really appreciate your prayers for this. This is an idea that came to me from our worship conferences that we had years ago at FOC. That period in my life really gave me a firm foundation of worship both biblically and practically. We want to instill a firm foundation in the youth here too. This time we are looking to target the youth that I work with on a regular basis in the worship bands. However, in the future the idea is to open it up to more people. We know that it's not just the musicians who are worshipers but we His children are called to be worshipers. Worship is a lifestyle. We have a wonderful team working together to really impart into, train and release the youth. Please pray that we find the right mix of teaching and doing, that the youth's hearts will be ready to receive and most of all the heart of God for this two day seminar.
Visa news: I shared this at the meeting and I think by email but just in case you haven't heard the latest I will share the progress on my visa which is called at this point a 'carte de sejour.' I have a temporary 'carte de sejour.' The permanent one should arrive in February! It will last for 3 years! All good news. However, upon receiving the temporary carte I discovered that it is very specific in what area I can work. I was expecting simply permission to work in France. This does give me the right to work BUT only with the school, Collège Daniel, where I am now a volunteer. The school can not afford to pay me. So I am still very much dependent on the gifts and regular giving of my friends who support me. I am still praying about ways to make money in France. Please pray with me. It is obvious that God has given me this 'carte de sejour' and this status. It is nothing short of a miracle. I know He will give us creative ideas on how to earn money.
This brings me to another new development that I think most of you are aware of. FOC has changed their missions giving policy. They choose how to disperse the funds given in the missions offering at FOC. So if you have given each month in the offering at FOC for me it is no longer going to come directly to me. They have a set amount they will give me and after that the rest will be divided amongst the other missions groups. I simply cannot live on the amount they have allocated for me. Please make plans to send your gifts to Becky or Carl Hudson or you can hand it to them at church. You can make the checks payable to Alana Smith. We are also looking into getting a non-profit status for me but an accountant told me that might be difficult for me. So, I'm sorry to say your gifts will not be tax-deductible unless I can get this status.
If you need more information please email me or leave a comment here and I'll get in touch with you.
GOOD NEWS! Carl and Becky are making plans to come and see me for 2 weeks in March! I am so excited! They have been walking with me, supporting me, pastoring me since before I even left for France the first time. It is such a God thing that they should be the first to come and visit me in Guebwiller. They are not just coming to visit me however. They will get to see Emilie and her family. We will make a trip to Nadine's hometown so they can meet her family and see Arnaud, the young man who has been staying with them for the month of January. We will also visit our Swiss friends that they met in Russellville. They have already sown into the French and Swiss even before setting foot on the continent! They too live by faith and God has provided for their plane tickets and passports. Now we are trusting Him to provide for the rest of the trip. Pray that God divinely organizes and has His way during their visit here and that more 'God-connections' will be made.
Man, now that I've talked your ears off...haha. Well, that's what happens when you go 2 months without writing. I want to wish you all a wonderful year full of GOD and Kingdom stuff. I will bullet point the prayer requests at the bottom and tell you about the pics at the top.
Until the next blog...may your hearts be full of the peace and riches of our Jesus.
prayer requests:
~for the youth worship seminar March 4-5: Please pray that we find the right mix of teaching and doing, that the youth's hearts will be ready to receive and most of all the heart of God for this two day seminar.
~Finances: that my regular supporters will be able to pick up the new habit of giving by sending it to the Hudsons and that God will make it clear what can be done here in France to earn money.
~Carl and Becky's trip in March: Pray that God divinely organizes, provides and has His way during their visit here and that more 'God-connections' will be made.
**Pictured above:
~Playing guitar with my nephew, Clayton, and my dad. It was so much fun.
~The crew of Swiss and French in Russellville. We had a blast too!
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