Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I don't know...maybe we should call this blog 'procrastination' because I am finding everything to do before I prepare my teaching for THIS Friday for a worship conference. I'm really good at procrastinating...but I wouldn't call it a 'gift.' ;)


The thing I'm procrastinating preparing for is a gift. We are doing a youth worship conference this weekend with the 2 youth worship groups that I coach. We have a wonderful team of experienced worship team members and even better they are people who ARE worshipers 24/7. The youth that range in age from 14 to 18 are a gift. It is a joy and an honor to work with them, to be a part of their lives. We are looking to impart the benefit of our experience and more of God's heart of what worship is and who worshipers are as well as biblical foundation of worship.

I'm almost at the end of my visa journey. I went to the government appointed doctors visit a couple weeks ago. All checked out well and instead of being complicated and annoying it turned out to be a pleasant 2 days in Strasbourg with Géraldine and Nadine. Thanks, Father, for making this a fun experience. I wasn't expecting that!

The stamps to pay for the visa are purchased ($500 worth, yikes) and now I'm just waiting for the rest of the process to finish with the letter from the doctor going to the 'proper authorities' and then the final 'carte de sejour' to arrive. I take the stamps and I trade them for the carte. It won't be long now. It's been a couple years of inquiries and knocking on doors but it's almost done. Merci, Papa.

Still no hot water in my room or on my floor. It's been 2 months now. One gets creative. Thanks to my dear friends who have let me come and shower at will!! Another gift. And soon I will be saying thanks for hot water in MY room. Soon...

My dad had fairly good news from his doctor's visits at least no bad news. For this I am thankful, Jesus.

My relationships here in France are growing and really enriching my life. It really helps to make here my home. Thank you for Holy Spirit connections.

Carl and Becky Hudson are coming this Saturday to see me in France!!! They will be here for 2 weeks. I can't tell you how happy I am about this. They have been with me in this journey to France from the beginning when I wasn't even sure what God was calling me to do. And it will be SO good to have someone from home who is like family to come and see what my life is like in France. AND it will be fun to share new places, experiences and adventures with them. I know God will do another Spirit exchange between them and my French friends, each 'side' gaining something more of God. This is a HUGE gift in my life.

Thanks to all of you who support me and pray for me. I see the faithfulness of God through you, the body.

What are the gifts in your life? Is it people, places, things, the transformational power of God at work in your life? I would love to hear about the gifts in your life. Take a second and post a comment here.

And there I will stop and give a few prayer requests but I hope you remember the thankfulness as much as the requests!

Prayer requests:

~hot water! haha
~safe travel, health, God appointments and FUN for Carl and Becky on their trip!
~no hitches in the final process of the visa
~this weekend's youth worship conference. Please pray God has His way in and through all of us and that He release more of His Spirit in the youth (and the team).

*My soeur(sister), Nadine and me, can't have a blog about gifts without including her!
*L to R Olivia, Angela and David Leigh, an American missionary family, the gift of people to speak American with, eat popcorn and watch movies in English and more !!


Celia said...

Great blog! I love reading up on the work that God is doing through His followers in France! So encouraging!

You and your readers might be interested in a prayer movement that’s been going on for the past dozen years or so led by the French ministry Objectif France. For the past four years, the campaign Pray for France (in English) has been translating Objectif France's 21-day prayer guide with current prayer topics for each day. Pray for France allows English speakers to pray alongside their French brothers and sisters during the three weeks before Easter. There's a free downloadable prayer guide available to everyone who registers! You can find out more at prayforfrance.org/learnmore!

Again, awesome site! Thank you for posting it! May God continue to bless your work in France :)

Alana Smith said...

Thanks, Celia!! I'm just now reading your comment as I prepare to update my blog! Sorry for the slow reply.

Thanks so much for the website. It's encouraging to know that there is an organized group praying for France!

Thanks so much for your encouragement and heart for France! God bless. =)