It's October!! How did that happen? Time is flying by. I'm sure you find it the same with work, school, and activities.
I'm going to post some pics from last weekend in Paris with the girls. We went to Sacre Coeur and Montmarte. And for the evening we had a picnic on a lawn by the Tour Eiffel. It was a great day, the weather was perfect. But what makes such a day wonderful is the company. I cannot express how rich I am in relationships here. God has been so good to bring good friends, each with their own gifts, beauty, and treasures to share. Three of these special people, pictured here, are Hannah Glover, Elizabeth Bricken, and Katie Berry.
I mentioned time flying by. Well, the days are so full and I realized I hadn't taken time to pray. I missed God. I mean He's the reason I'm here in the first place. Don't get me wrong, my days are spent in communion with Him. It was some quality one on one I was needing. So, yesterday I went to the park for a walk and talk. On the way home, the face of a teenage girl in the back of a car struck me. Again, I was aware of how people need hope. People everywhere in every country need hope. Who's going to share it with them? Will it be you or me? In the States the odds of someone who knows Jesus being around to share Him are so much greater than in France.
I learned Friday about laicite. The idea is basically "separation of church and state." But it runs much deeper in France than in the States. Our politicians will still affiliate themselves with religion. Religion is not even mentioned or talked about in schools, government, etc. Religious symbols such as a cross, star of David, or Muslim head covering are forbidden in schools. If one is not raised in a religious family how will they learn about faith of any kind? Can you begin to see the odds? Where are the workers for the harvest? God prepare the soil.
Ok, so there is so much more I could go on and on about, but I won't. If anyone is interested in knowing more about the culture here just let me know and I will share as much as I know, which at this point is still not a lot.
So, I was sobered by the need for Jesus in France. But I know that it is God who will reach the people of France. And for some reason He has historically chosen to use His people, as frail as we are. So, I'm going to end this blog with a word of hope. (Which is fitting, don't you think?) I received an email from missionaries in Italy that I've kept up with since my YWAM summer there. They shared about two ten year olds, a boy and a girl, who had had God visit them in dreams. After the girl shared her dream she said, "Something big is going to happen!" These kids have no agenda for making these things up. God is up to something, something BIG! HA! I can't wait!
May God fill you with His hope and visit you with dreams and visions.
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