Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Entry 1

Hello, All. This is my first blog. (Hopefully, many will follow.) My departure date is coming quickly. I leave Tuesday, August 26th. I am very excited. I have details to take care of yet, however, I am ready to go. I want to thank everyone who has shown your support and encouraged me. You are making this possible.

The next four months will be spent learning French at a language school in Paris, Les Cedres. (Check our their website: ) I will return to Arkansas on December 22. After that is a big '?'. My heart is to get back to France to live and work in some capacity. I don't know what shape that will take. I'm sure that the next months at school and visiting American missionaries in Alsace will help answer some of these questions.

God has shown his faithfulness and generosity through this process. I am once again humbled and in awe of the love of God. It is wonderful to finally be walking into something God called me to years ago. I don't know what's going to happen in the next months. I don't know what God is really up to, but I know it's gonna be good! This is the great adventure.

1 comment:

Blacky Fletcher said...

Great blog. I can't wait to hear or read more about your trip.