Greetings from Guebwiller, France.
It is so good to be back in France. I have many good things to report. I am sure I'm going to forget something, but at least this will help give you and idea of what has been happening and what will be happening. I will start with the more practical and then share my heart towards the end. (You might want to get a cup of tea or coffee for this one. :)
My first four days were spent with the Leigh family until my room became available at the chateau. I am grateful for their hospitality and time with them. I was able to take walks in the vineyards and enjoy the beauty. If you are a facebook friend check out my photos of the area and the chateau where I am living. I was told by another lady who lives in the chateau that I am now a châtelaine (lady of the manor). so fun...
Monday started with two chapel services at the Christian school that is located here at the chateau. There was a guest speaker from Honduras. He brought an inspiring message and many of the students from the youngest who are preschool age to the oldest who are about 15. He spoke in Spanish and Manuela, one of the leaders here, translated. Whew! After the whole day passed in French, the first one for me in a long time, my mind was spinning. The first day was frustrating. I began to understand what was being said fairly quickly but I felt helpless to speak.
Tuesday was better for getting things out of my mouth. I had lunch with a French family Monday and then with another French family on Tuesday. Being surrounded by the language is helping it to come back. I know I am still making a lot of mistakes but at least I'm talking!
The leaders here are keen to get me involved with intercession, which was the first thing I did on Thursday morning. The church leaders came together to welcome me and pray for me. It was a great time. They encouraged me in prayer and I felt loved and welcomed. Then I stayed to pray with the intercession team during their weekly meeting. God is really on the move here and many things are being started. There is a real need to cover this and the people here in prayer. I plan on taking many walks to explore and pray over the area too. There is also daily prayer before school for the school and the students. They really have a heart not just to educate kids but give them a chance to live a healthy life full of God.
Just a quick clarification: There is the church Eglise Josué and there is the school Ecole Daniel. Many leaders of the church are also leaders or teachers in the school. However, the church does not run the school and many of the teachers are not a part of the church. The school is a French Christian school, the largest one in France, and it is not very big. It is a very important work for the future generations of France.
With the school I hope to be involved with music. There are a couple young groups who are interested in leading worship during the Monday chapel services. The leaders have asked if I could help train them in music and playing as a group. There is also talk of other lessons or maybe a small choir. Things are still developing. I would also like to observe some classes to improve my French and to see how the French classroom operates.
I can already see that there are many things to be done and I am here for only 9 weeks total, the first one is already gone. I want to be effective and help in supporting in prayer what is happening and teaching and training where I can. Also during this time I will be sending out resumes and looking for a job teaching English so I can get a visa to work and live in France. These are all things that you could definitely pray for me and with me about.
summary of prayer requests:
~my time in Guebwiller to be effective
-including organizing and preparing music groups
-interceding for the church and school here
-looking for a job
~improving my French skills
~interceding for friends and family in other places
-the more I pray into this place, God puts others on my heart
I need to learn to balance this or learn what God is teaching me through this.
~financial support
-monthly giving was down this month and it's a bit tight right now
Now I want to share some of my heart.
I am a relational person. I am motivated most by knowing people, not projects. With just a few weeks here I've wondered how that would work. In May, God connected me with several people at the France en Feu conference and then a visit to Guebwiller. I knew I had found my French family. It is so odd to feel you instantly have a family but you don't really know them. It's a Spirit thing. That connection was quickly reaffirmed. I feel loved and accepted here. I am a part of what is happening. I haven't had much time with students here but I can already feel a tug in my heart towards them. I think God will do what He does and allow us to get to know one another quickly and work together well, not that that there won't be challenges.
I feel a closer connection to God or maybe greater freedom of access to Him than ever before. While praying in a classroom before school yesterday I was drawn to a particular desk and spent some time praying there. After the time, I asked one of the teachers, who is also one of the intercessors, who sat there. I shared what God had given me and she said it fit that student's situation. God is so cool.
I am at peace and ready to run at the same time. I am grateful for the time of preparation God has brought me through. The struggles, difficulties, and plain old hard work are paying off. I am again reminded of the scripture in Hebrews 12: No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. We all face the challenges of life. How will we respond to them? I want to be trained by them so I don't have to repeat them!
I pray you are finding God in your present situation, whether it be in the valley, on the mountain top, or on the way up. May God's richness fill you today and give you all you need and more.
**Pics at the top are of my new home.
the château
the view from my room
-the more I pray into this place, God puts others on my heart
I need to learn to balance this or learn what God is teaching me through this.
Can you unpack this a bit?
The more I pray, the more I realize I need to pray. And God is putting people and places at home on my heart. I spent some time before writing my blog praying for the school in Danville where I used to teach. Is that clearer?
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