I'm finished!!! One more step closer to...
The month TEFL course was a lot to do in a short time, but overall a positive experience. I did well on my tests and have a feeling of accomplishment. I am now certified to teach English as a foreign language! God has been gracious to me over this month.
Another positive aspect has been getting to stay with my friends Ruth and Ralph. Their home once again has been a refuge. I have seen them a few times in the last year, but it has been a treat to get a block of time to deepen a good friendship.
I move on to Guebwiller, France on Wednesday the 7th of October. I am really looking forward to seeing friends there and getting plugged in with what God is doing there. It will be so good to be back in France. However, I know my French is rusty and it will take a little time to get it back. Then the goal is to improve for years to come. I will let you know what I am involved in after I am plugged in and know exactly what to report.
I am ready for another stage of this adventure. It has been over a year of preparation and I feel I am close to being able to be a part of what God is doing in France, however that will look.
I read this quote on the side of a church in London. I like it. It offers a bit of a challenge. Maybe it will mean something to you.
"All may have, if they dare try, a glorious life or grave."
Love this quote Alana: "All may have, if they dare try, a glorious life or grave." It's reminding me of a verse in John: "In Him was life and the life was the light of men!" You are that light and life! I am glad your time in England has ended well.
Thanks for the encouragement, Kunal! I'm glad you liked the quote.
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